Kadoua and the Elephants

In Burkina Faso, Kadoua Yogo hopes for a better future for her family. Her home is also that of the great gray landscapers. Together, humans and elephants make the most of a last patch of wilderness where treasures grow on the branches. These precious shea fruits could permanently change everyone’s lives. As long as they thrive here. That’s what a strong group of women from Kollo, an enterprising soapmaker, rangers who risk their lives every day to protect elephants, and French conservationist Olivier Behra are working for. At the center of it all is a woman who faces all odds with grace and pride and never loses hope for a better life.

ScriptBen Wolter
DirectionBen Wolter – Michael Schlamberger
CameraMichael Schlamberger
CutChristoph Heimerl – Omer Sacic
MusicCarlos Rodriguéz Rodriguéz
SpeakerYvon Jansen

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Burrow Buddies - A European Ground Squirrel Story

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Magpies – More Than Black and White

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