Wächter der Geisterbären – Kanadas heimliche Tradition

In an impenetrable forest on the Pacific west coast of Canada lives one of the rarest bears in the world: Moksgmol, the ghost bear. Its home consists of thousands of large and small islands. The Gitga’at, a coastal First Nations tribe, also live on one of these islands. Moksgmol has always been under their special protection. However, the clearing of the forests by the Canadians put the spirit bear under pressure. Like many creatures here, it lost a large part of its habitat and brought trophy hunters to the region. The rare bear was threatened with extinction. The Gitga’at are preventing this to this day. Marven Robinson is its guardian.

Length43:15 min
ScriptAngelika Sigl
DirectionAngelika Sigl, Karl Teuschl
CameraAiken Weiß, Roland Gockel
CutChristoph Heimerl
MusicManuel Weber, Benjamin Freibott
SpeakerThomas Rauscher, Claudia Urbschat-Mingues, Cornelia Lippert

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Animal Dress Code - Who is wearing what and why? (WT)

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